Capacity Building Workshop Write-Up
Friday, February 14, 2020
By Savannah Smith
This past week from Tuesday, February 10th – Friday, February 14th, RELUFA (Réseau de Luttre Contre la Faim) held a capacity building workshop in partnership with OCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) and the PDA (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance). The organization invited NGOs that are serving vulnerable populations in the Northwest and Southwest to participate. The workshop focused on reporting standards for RELUFA projects, humanitarian principles, protection, collective accountability, community engagement, good practices, and management of humanitarian projects. Overall, it was a great week for connecting further with one another, sharing our experiences, and building our capacity to serve vulnerable populations impacted by war and natural disasters. Furthermore, this workshop will be followed by food distribution funds for each partnering organization including (KUDOC, AYAH Foundation, CISEGD, COMINSUD, and KUDOC).