The Network for the Fight Against Hunger in Cameroon (RELUFA), created in 2001, is comprised of members of civil society and grassroots communities who joined forces in a concerted effort to fight poverty, hunger, and economic, social and environmental injustice on a national level.

RELUFA aims to combat systemic problems that generate and perpetuate poverty, hunger and social, economic and environmental injustice in Cameroon. More specifically, the objectives of the association are:

  • Create a platform of actors with a shared vision of global human development
  • Contribute to national and international efforts toward social justice, transparency and good governance in the fight against poverty and hunger
  • Contribute to building awareness of regional, national and global issues affecting poor and disadvantaged populations, and seek solutions to those problems

RELUFA has two decision-making bodies: the General Assembly and the Board of Directors,  and a management body – the Coordination National – all comprised of people engaged in the fight against poverty and the improvement of life conditions for impoverished and marginalized communities.

As part of its development efforts, RELUFA organizes thematic campaign platforms around monitoring and advocacy programs, based on identified problems and the search for sustainable solutions.